Data Deletion

Data Deletion

Question #Question TextExpected AnswerExplanation
3.1-5Would you delete Platform Data in ALL of the following circumstances, except where retention is permitted under our Terms? [...]YesTerms of Service (opens in a new tab), section 3.d.i.2
3.1-6If you delete Platform Data, in the circumstances referenced above, do you take steps to delete Platform Data as soon as reasonably possible?Yes
3.1-5.b[...] Please describe how you determine when Platform Data is no longer necessary for a legitimate business purpose.

Our users' data, including Platform data, may be deleted in the following circumstances:

  1. User account deletion due to inactivity: when a user account remains inactive, we may initiate deletion procedures;
  2. Removal of redundant data: we periodically remove redundant data to clean up our databases;
  3. Project abandonment: if a project is abandoned or closed, associated data may be deleted;
  4. Business restructuring or dissolution: in the event of business restructuring, merger, acquisition, or dissolution, we may delete part of the data.
3.1-5.c[...] Please describe how users can request that their data be deleted. Please include screenshots if applicable.

Users can request the deletion of their data, including Platform Data, through two methods:

  1. By contacting our support team at [email protected].
  2. By using the "Delete my account" button available in the user settings.

These options are provided in our Privacy Policy, specifically in sections 1.2.3 and 1.2.4, which can be accessed at

A screenshot of the relevant sections of our policy is attached below:
[your screenshot].

Terms of Service (opens in a new tab), sections 4.a, 4.b
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