Data Sharing

Data Sharing

Question #Question TextExpected AnswerExplanation
3.1-4[...] Do you do any of the following? Select all that apply.
  • [a]: If you don't share any data taken from Facebook with anybody.
  • [d]: If you share the data with service providers, such as cloud services, web hosting, analytics, CRM, or marketing tools.
  • [e], [f], [g]: business-specific cases, you may need to consult with your legal advisor and/or Meta's support team.
Selling, licencing ("b"), or purchasing ("c") platform data is prohibited by the Terms of Service (opens in a new tab), section 3.a.iv
3.1-4.b[...] Please check the boxes below to indicate which service providers you share Platform Data with.Choose service providers from the list that can host/process any data given to you by Facebook.
3.1-4.b.iPlease upload a CSV or Excel file listing any service providers you share Platform Data with [...]Upload a file with a list of the service providers that can host/process any data given to you by Facebook.
3.1-4.cDo you have a written agreement with each of the service providers you share Platform Data with [...]?YesTerms of Service (opens in a new tab), section 5.a.
3.1-4.c.i[...] indicate the type of language contained in your written data agreements with service providers. [...]Choose all the options.
3.1-4.c.ivDo you know about any instances where your service providers, and/or any of their sub-service providers (if any), have acted in a way that is inconsistent with Meta Platform Terms [...]?No
3.1-4.c.vIf you stop using a service provider or sub-service provider, do your agreements with them (such as their terms of service) specify how and when that service provider must delete data that they have received from you?Yes
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