Data Use

Data Use

Question #Question TextExpected AnswerExplanation
3.1-1Does the application use Platform Data to disadvantage certain people (meaning some people get something that others can’t) based on race, ethnicity, [...], medical or genetic condition?NoDiscrimination or encouraging discrimination is prohibited by the Terms of Service (opens in a new tab), section 3.a.i.
3.1-2Does the application use Platform Data to make decisions about housing, employment, [...], benefits or immigration status?NoUsing the Platform Data for these purposes is prohibited by the Terms of Service (opens in a new tab), section 3.a.ii.
3.1-3Does the application use Platform Data for activities related to surveillance? [...]NoUsing the Platform Data for surveillance is prohibited by the Terms of Service (opens in a new tab), section 3.a.iii.
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